The Department of General Psychology
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The history of the department starts from 1937,the time when the members oftwo departments Psychologyand Pedagogicswereunitedinto one: thedepartmentof Pedagogics.This department,of cource, together with others playedanimportantrole in preparation of future specialists. At that period, a number of psychologists, specialistsM.G Yaroshevsky, L. A Venger, A. I Lipkinaconductedmajor courses at the Institute.They made theirgreat contribution as the first scholars ofpsychology in thedevelopmentofTajik psychology.
Yaroshevsky M.G., - a prominent psychologist, doctor of phychology, professor, after graduating MoscowState University named after M. V. Lomonosov, started his scientific and teachingcareerin the departmentofPedagogics of LSTTI named after S.M.Kirov in Tajikistan. Thenhecontinued his activity in thedepartmentof phycology,Kulob State Teacher Training Institute.
Lipkina A. I., pedagog-psycologist, doctor of phycology, professor, graduated from Moscow State Teacher Training Institute (1939). 1942-1943 yearsshe was thehead of the department of pedagogics at LSTTI namedafter S. M Kirov.
These physiologists, scientists are truly considered to be the founders of psychology as a science in Tajikistan. Thus thebeginning and thehistory offormation ofscience ofpsychology in Tajikistan is connected by their names.
In 1969 Toshmatov defended his candidate's dissertation on the theme "Formation of Schoolchildren’s Personality in the spirit of patriotism". This scientist-lady has a great contribution in training disciples, the experienced professors of the department. In 1970, the senior teacher of the Department Zufarova M. E. defended her thesis in Tashkent under the supervision of the famous psychologist I.I. Ivanov. In 1973 -1986, the head of the department was the late lecturer, candidate of psychology, associate professor. Dadoboeva Sh.D. During those years under the supervision of the first Tajik woman-scholar in the field of psychology, Sh.D. Dadabaeva several female teachers like M.E. Zufarova, M.B. Hakimova, A.R. Mansurova were involved in motivating girls to carry out scientific research works, alongside with education and training activities.The department's cooperation with provincial and district Education Departments was established to send students for field-work which provided practical support. The effectiveness of the department in all aspects was due to the chairwoman of the department Ibragimova M. and the chair secretary Uglichina Lena. During these years, the Chair’s staff consisted of the Candidate of Psychological Sciences M.E. Zufarova, L. S. Luchanskaya,teachers M. Ahmedov, F.Ruziev, S.Zilberman, L.G. Balakina, junior teachers Hakimova M., Numonov U.N., N.F. Feduk, Yu. Badulov, Mansurova A.R.,Mingboev A.Yu.During this period, the department developed both quality and quantity. With the aim of raising the knowledge of junior teachers, the department carried out a scientific and methodological seminar, whichdiscussed the project lectures and practical outlines for the teachers. Teachers of the department were sent to Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent, Dushanbe, for four and six month re-training courses and 3 month internship. They participated in inter-republican and republican conferences on the importantpsychological issues.
And favorable conditions were created to increase the scientific potential of the Department. Young teachers of the Department Numonov U. N., Badalov U., Khakimova M. B., Mansurova A.R.enteredfull - time and part - timepost - graduate courses of the Departments of psychology in Moscow and Tashkent cities. They did their research worksby the guidance of experienced scientific supervisors. In 1986, a young teacher of the Department Luchanskaya L., defended her thesis on " Intellectual attitude to the educational activities of children of 6-7 years old” in the Council of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Moscow and got the degree of candidate of psychological sciences. In 1986, senior teacher F. R. Ruziev was an acting head of the Department. In 1986-1991 the head of the Department was the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor V. I. Renko. During these years, themembers of the Department were young teachers like M. M. Rakhimova, R. H. Boboev, Sh. Ismoilov,N. Shaheedov and some others , and the scientific and methodological capasity of the department became stronger. Former head of the Department V. I. Roenko defended his doctoral thesis in Russia and continues hisactivities in this Department now.
The contribution of candidate of psychological science, docents Sh.D. Dadoboeva and M.E. Zufarova in the development of scientific research of the department is great. The care of this instructive masters brought a real increase of science to the department in 1989-1990: four teachers of the department successfully defended their thesis on dissertation council at higher schools in Moscow as Numonov U. on theme “Stable formation of self-evaluation of elementary school pupils” in 1987, Hakimova M.B. “Stable formation of self- evaluation of young teenagers” in 1989, Mansurova A.P. “The role of methods of education in productive perception of oral speech” in 1990, Mingboev A.U. “Psychological properties of the influence of national tradition on intellectual world of teenagers” in 1991. In 1992-2004 the head of the department was docent Numonov U. In these years young teacher as Boymatov S.Z., Mamadalieva G.A., Soliboev H.M. joined the department of psychology. By the guidance of the experienced teacher, they always paid a special attention to conduct theoretical- practical lessons in high quality. There were scientific - theoretical and methodical seminars in the department. The heads of the scientific - theoretical seminar were docents Hakimova M.B. and Mansurova A.P. and the heads of the methodical seminar were Rahimov M. and Boymatov C.Z. The aim and function of these seminars was increasing teacher’s professional skills. During these years, at executive organs of state power of Sogd region, there was organized a “Political readings” in towns and districts of the region in order to develop political and legal knowledge and erudition of the society. The contribution of the department was great in holding them effectively and tried hard to arise psychological knowledge. With the aim of prevention of drags and narcotics among between youth, the puplic organization “Woman and society” organized a trust telephone. Numonov U. worked in PMTK which was at the hospital of B. Gafurov district in order to define psychological state of the people.
In 2004 – 2011 the head of the department was the candidate of psychology, docent A.R.Mansurova. In those days, teaching and research activity of the staff of the department developed. The department conducts scientific, theoretical and methodological seminars to improve professional skills of junior teachers.
Scientific, theoretical and methodological seminars focus on improvement of effectiveness of the teachers’ activity. During this period scientific potential of the department was strengthened by addition of new staff.
Teachers of the department Boimatov S.Z. and Boboev R.Kh. defended their thesises in the Schoolsof Higher Education of the Republic of Tajikistan. Under the supervision of docent Mansurova A.R. the department improved the activity applied psychology. This period is marked asthe implementation of applied psychology in the region. The Association of Psychologists of the region was establishedand the department put the foundations of training school of psychologists. The department took its first endeavorin secondary school №12 and Gymnasium №1 named after M. Osimi which proved to be successful.
The telephone helpline was created at Women Committee by the support of Executive Body of State Government of Khujand City in order to publisize the principles of psychology of society, to establish a healthy psychological environment in family and to offer psychological service in upbringing of new generation.
The cooperation of the department strengthened with the Women and Family Committees of all cities and districts of the region to contribute in prevention of family incidents, violence and the support of healthy psychological environment in society. The department established cooperation with psychology scholars of Columbia University, New York, USA, Moscow Pedagogical University, Moscow Pedagogical University of Foreign Languages, Tajik State National University,Pedagogical University of Languages named after S. Aini, as well as with scholars of scientific and research center AIP of the former USSR.
An important aspect of the Department is the study of scientific research. Scientists conduct scientific-methodical conferences on psychological problems. In 2011, the senior lecturerof the Department Mamadalieva G. defended her thesis on theme "Prevention and Ways of Correctionof Anxietyof Modern Teenagers" in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, and became a candidate of psychological Sciences. A young lecturer of the Department, Mr. H. A. Zaitmatov, successfully defended his thesis in 2013 on theme "The Role of Poetry in the Formation of Empathic Feelings" in the Dissertation Council of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, and became a candidate of psychological Sciences. According to the plan, students were also involved in the scientific works of the Department. They participate actively in scientific conferences and competitions under the guidance of the teaching staff of the Department. In 2015-2016 a young scientist H. Zaimetov was appointed head of the Department. During this period, the activity of the Department was significant in the field of teaching and research work. During this period the staff of the department actively participated in the development of practicalpsychology. The Department was headed by assistent ProfessorG. A. Mamadalieva and the achieved significant success. Since August 2006, the head of the Department was appointed assistent Professor Z. Boymatov.
Currently, the Department is becoming one of the leading departments of the University, and its effectiveness is significant.