The Institute of Sociology
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- Бинои таълимии №2, ошёнаи 2.
The institute of sociology under State Educational Institution, Khujand State University named after academician Bobojon Gafurov was established on the basis of the center of SomoniyonCultural Institute and UNESCO Research Center in September, 2011. Nowadays the Institute consists of three scientific research centers as - the Research Center of SomoniyonCulture (the head-professor Hasanov A), UNESCO Research Center (the head- professor Nabiev V.M) and the Research Center of EastCulture (the head – professor Gafforova Z.A). The main aim of the Institute is considered to be establishing, completing and improvingthe research of Tajik, Persian and Arabic sources on the basis of History of Literature, Literary Criticism and Annalistic.The activity of the Institute occurs according to the special scientific plan which consists of two directions: the first direction is the scientific – research work and the second one is the production, translation and edition of literary scientific compositionsand research works.
The main scientific tasks of the Institute consist of:
1. To study, research and edict the written compositions of XIX century-the beginning of XX century (supervisor – professor Gafforova Z.A, executors – Azamzod S., Eshonkulov I., Hojiev A.);
2. The research problems of written Persian composition (supervisor – professor Gafforova Z.A., executors -Saidov S., Rahmatov B.);
3. Issues of Arabic literary remains (supervisor –Gafforova U.A., executors – Nasriddinov F., Dadoboev K. Gafurov A., Achilova M.);
4. The scientific issues of historical, cultural and literary values of Somoniyon period (supervisor – professor Hasanov A.A., executors – Zohidov N., Giyosov N., Olimjonov M., Nurov N., Nurulloeva M.);
5. The issues of history, ethnography, politology, national culture. (supervisor and executors –professor Nabiev V.M. and professor Okilova M.; Sharifova Sh.).
At the section of production, translation and edition of scientific literary works the production and publication of important Persian literary and historical sourcesas the book of poems of Abulfazli Sirat (professor Khojaeva M.), the books of poems of Sadriddin Isfaragi, “Afzal – ut- tazkor” of Afzal Makhdumi Pirmasti(docent Azamzod S.) the memorials of Hashmati Bukhoroi (Eshonkulov I). “Tazkori Ash’or”, “The Diary” of Sadri Ziyo, the memorial of Shar’I (professor Khojaeva M.U., docent Azamzod S.) masnavi of Naziri Nishopuri (professor Gafforova Z.A.), the translation of “Nosiri” into Russian (professor Gafforova U.A.), the translation of “Al-bidoya van-nihoya” of Ibni Kasir from Arabic into Tajik (professor Gafforova U.A., docent Nasriddinov, Dadoboev F., Gafurov A.) etc. are taken into consideration, and some of them are at the process of edition.
In 2013 a number of works of the Institute staff was published: the books of poems Devoni Mohsharafkhonum agnominal to Mastural Kurdistom (the author of introduction and the responsible editor is Mirzounus M.). Texts and dictionary prepared by Vahobzoda D./ editor Azamzoda S. Khujand: Nuri Marifat,2013,-244p-), research work of professor Nabiev V.M, under the title “The glance to Tajik national culture”(Dushanbe, Adib,2013.-408p); “Creators of Independent Tajikistan” (Dushanbe; Irfon;2013-340p); “The Guard of national culture” (Khujand; Meroj,2013-40p.); The President Emomali Rahmon and State political formation of youth in Tajikistan”: (Khujand: Meroj,2013-48p);Subhoni Azamzod. “Oina and Oinadoron: Collection of articles reviews and comments dedicated to Tajik literary” (Khujand; Meroj, 2013-300c). The other field of the Institute is directed to the strengthening the science and education relationship, the development of world experience and education reformation. Professors Gafforova U.R., KhojaevaM.U., Gafforova Z.A. and others take an active participation at the international projectTEMPUS and ERASMUS MUNDUS.
There are two scientific circles such as “Furugh” (head – professor Khojaeva M.) and “Khovarshinos” (head – professor Gafforova U.) in the Institute. The founder and the first director of this Institute was Doctor of Philological Science Khojaeva M.U. Gafforova U.A. has been the director of the Institute since 2012.Docents Nasriddinov F. and Nurov N. are the deputy directors of the institute.