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The University Trade Union (further TU) was set up as a public organization at the same time with the establishment of LSPI. At first, it was an independent organization. Later, it joined the Institute and then the University’s administration system.
Now the TU has more than 12 thousand members including teachers and students. The goals, objectives, rights and responsibilities of the TU are specified by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, its Charter, and its Regulation. The main objective of the TU is to protect the employees’ rights and privileges granted by law. Besides, this organization together with the administration of the University creates job conditions, provides employees with housing, determines work hours and the amount oftheirsalary. At the same time, it manages regulations about acceptanceand dismissalof the University employees. The TU helpsthe administration of the Universityto solvelabour conflicts.One of the important tasks of the organization is to sign agreementson behalf of the employees.
The TU ensuresthe health care ofemployees, students, financial assistance to orphans, pensioners and families with poor background.
The organization was named the Trade Union Committeesince the 70 - ies of the last century uniting teachers, professor, students and employees. Within the past years K. Kurbonov, A. N. Nabiev, E. N. Krivosheeva,Z. N. Umerenkova, A. S. Sharipov, M. I. Shamsiddinov and M. Mirovatov ran the organization.Nowadays,thehead of theTrade Union Committeeis docentA. Usmonov. During this period, the activities of the TU Committee have undergone fundamental changes. The Union has regularly beenprovidingthe majority of the aged staff with allowances for spending their holidaysin sanatoriums, the students studying under the President quota with modern dormitories as well as the students with poorbackground with financial aid. More than 52 teachers have been supplied with housing.
The scientificachievements of the University are always encouraged by the state and the government.During the last ten years 5 teachers of the Universitywereawarded by the medal «HidmatiShohista» (the Merits),12with «Kormandi Shohista» (Honorable Worker), 2by the order of «Sharaf» (Honour)2 with prizes by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in the sphere of education, 2 of them got the prize ofIsmoil Somoni, 47took regional awards of Kamoli Khujandi and Bobojon Gafurov in the sphere of science.500 teachers have been awarded with the title of «Excellence in Education» by theMinistry of Education and Science of Tajikistan,more than 200 got Certificates of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan, more than 170took Certificates of Honour of the Chairman of Sughd region and the city of Khujand.Weare proud of these achievements.
In 2018thanks to theeverlasting careof the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Executive body of Sughd government more than 100 teachers were sent to sanatoriumsto have a rest andgettreatment, 50 children of teachers had a rest in the summer camps and 262 teachers of the University got a one-time allowance, the amount of which is more than 300, 000 (three hundred thousand) somoni. It should bementioned that 54 orphans, 59 disabled of 1, 2, 3 group and 428 students deprived either of a mother or a fatherstudied at the University in the 2017- 2018 academic year. All of them got a one-time allowance added to theirmonthly scholarship.