Бахши таҳия ва татбиқи барномаҳо
The Department of International Relations is responsible for establishing and expanding various forms of University cooperation with research centers and universities in various countries, embassies and international institutions, as well as facilitating the education and enrollment of students from far and near abroad.
There are many students and candidates for masters from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, South Korea, Afghanistan and Turkey who study in our university.
Khujand State University named after academicianB. Gafurov has made an agreement with a number of universities like Beijing Agrarian University, Xinjiang Pedagogical University, State University of Economics, Moscow University of Statistics and Computer Science (Russia), Kharkov National State University of Radio Electronics (Ukraine), Osh State University, Batken State University (Kyrgyzstan), University named afterNehru (India), Kazakhstan National University named after al-Farobiy, Humboldt University (Germany), Salonikov University (Greece), Juliik Scientific Research Center (Germany), Kazan State University (Russia), Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Isoq Razzoqov (Kyrgyzstan), Daugavpils University of Latvia (Latvia), Russian-Tajik University (Slovenia, Tajikistan), Institute of Economics and Trade of Tajik State University of Commerce.
The university has also established relationship with the public affairs Section of the USA Embassy in Tajikistan, in the Islamic Agakhan foundation, cultural council of the Republic of Iran, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Embassy of Russian Federation, the world literature Institute of Russian Federation named after M. Gorki, and the Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Federation, numerous international organizations, including the “Agakhan” foundations, international organization ACCELS, IREX, DAAD,GIZ, ACTED, UNESCO, EOROASIAetc.
Lately the University has participated in the implementation of 15 projects based on the international program TEMPUS, under the titles “CANQA”, “Asian network of quality assurance”, “PROTRAINING-improvement of qualification of the credit system teachers”, “EPASET- environment protection and development tools and use of agro technology”, “EDUCA- Innovation and developing curricula for pedagogy and management in the Central education system of Asia, “MEDIATE- Master of science in computer science and telecommunication”, “TEMPUS-QUADRIGA – frame of specialization in Central Asia on the basis of balloon principles of regional coordination”, as well as several projects in the international program Erasmus Mundus under the titles “MANECA”“TOSCA 1-2”, “Erasmus Mundus Silk route” and “Erasmus Mundus Canem”, moreover, during the new phase of the competition it cooperates with 3 projects TEMPUS; TEMRUS-FIEPP, TEMPUS-UNIVIVIA,TEMPUS-PROMIS and a number of Central Asian and Kazakhuniversities, including 60 high schools and organizations from foreign European countries.
Within the framework of the agreement of consortium members the University cooperates with the High Schools of Europe including Technical Institute of Berlin, Ludwigsburg Higher Pedagogical Institute and German Technical University of Dresden, Pedagogical University of Vilnius in Latvia, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Technical Higher University of Denghermechelen and Brussels University of Belgium, Santiago de Compostela University of Spain, Warsaw University of Natural Sciences and Adam Mitskevich University of Poland, Pierre Mendes University of France, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki in Greece, University of L’Aquila in Italy, University of Sciences and Natural Resources of Austria, University of Boras of Serbia, Faroese University of Portugal and etc. It tries to implement the Bolonia method, to reform education and to enter the global education program. According to this program after having good test results, more than 200 teachers, post graduates and aspirants, candidates for masters and students of the University traveled to improve the qualification, to make scientific research or to study within 1-3 or 10 months to one of the above mentioned Universities.
Through cooperating with Embassies and International Organizations the Department of International Relationship helps the teachers and students to get necessary information about programs, projects and competitions. Lately the numbers of professors, teachers, aspirants, young trainees and students have been increasing because they have been chosen and sent to foreign countries for practicing, continuing education, making research works or participating in some international events as conferences, symposiums and festivals.