​Department of political studies

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Department of political studies. Today we are in the run-up to celebration of very important and historical celebratory event 85th anniversary of establishment of one of the ancient education and science centers– Khujand State University named after academician Bobojon Gafurov. Now, looking to history and turning over the insightful and honorary pages of history, we could be able to find answer for solution of today’s and tomorrow’s issues since past. This indicates that self-comprehension and self-discovery in combination with morality and spirituality joining with efforts and achievement of ancestors. Not for nothing that today we more than ever glanced to our history, we revive our initial traditions and national habits and looking for a better way of life. In other words, the purpose of reviewing the past is to allow it to exist today and tomorrow.

Department of political studies (former scientific communism) was established in the early of 60s. The former rector of Leninabad State Pedagogical Institute – P.Hamroqulov made a great contribution in establishment of department, in 1963-1964 academic year he led this new established department on a voluntary basis. The contribution of the first head of department – Ph.D. in history, associate professor S.Khomidov in department formation and development was very valued. In 1965 he was the first head of department and performed activities in the most difficult period of establishment of department and worked up to 1978 in this responsible position. Study aids on scientific communism, scientific articles on theory and practice of new society foundation were published under the supervision of S.Khomidov. Thanks to efforts and endevour of this honoured and worthful man, department was provided with highly specialized staff. During those years, experienced and skilled teachers worked for department, including associate professors P.Karimov, Sh.Okhunov, S.Qayumov, M.Goziev, H,Pulodov, senior teacher S.V.Litvinova. As a result of these experienced teachers efforts it was collected new and fresh literature, and study room was equipped.

Department of scientific communism was considered as university wide along with departments of history of the Communist Party of the USSR, philosophy and economic theory.The activity of these departments was regulated by social studies departments’ Council. Methodical seminars were conducted at Council where in the teachers of this department presented their scientific reports, discussed contemporary theoretical and methodological issues. Teachers - specialists in social sciences conducted agitation activities, actively participated in elections and was active agitators of “Knowledge” society.Their activity in this direction was encouraged many times. From September 1973 to 1983 a department was led by candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor Karimov P. Under his supervision a department focused attention on the issue of scientific specialists training with scientific degree. Thanks to his efforts, in 1978 specialists, candidate of historical sciences Olimov A, Candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Tursunov Kh., Zokirova O. from republican scientific centers were engaged to department and scientific methodic, and educational base of department was enhanced. Young specialists Qosimov I, Abdukholiqov Yo. were employed in this position and run through life school in this department.

In 1984-1987 department was led by candidate of historical sciences,associate professor Olimov A.. In 1986 due to reconstruction, a scientific communism department was renamed to socialism theory department. In this period special attention was focused on the issues of improvement of theoretical and scientific - methodical degree of socialism theory. It was discussed topical issues of discipline, methodical development of discipline study on theoretical and methodical sub-faculty meetings. In this period PhD candidate Pulodov Kh. defended his PhD thesis in Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov.Teacher of department Oqilova M. defended her Candidate's dissertation in 1988 in Tashkent state university and took scientific degree of Candidate of philosophical sciences. In its 30 years in existence, teachers of department published 1200 scientific, scientific methodical, scientific publicistic thesis researches and articles the volume of which is made 700 copies.

In 1988-95 years Pulodov Kh. was appointed as head of department. In this period it was occurred a total revolution in life of department. Eventually, a necessity of change of department name and its discipline study is raised.From February 1992 it was began a teaching of political studies in department. A department was named a department of political studies since September 1992 by the Decision of Academic Council of University.

Along with political studies teaching from 1989-1990 academic year legal studies discipline was transferred from the department of philosophy to this department, teaching of which laid on department. In this regard, specialists – graduates of law department of Tajik State University Khudoiberdiev Z., Baqqosov I, Habibulloeva M. were employed for legal studies teaching.

In 1996 after establishment of department of law and international commerce in University by the Order of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Tajikistan, legal studies teaching was laid on new created department.

Main attention of teachers of department in this period was focused on formation of lecture fund on political studies, development of study aids and improvement of teaching quality. The textbook “Fundamentals of legal studies” in three languages was the result of teachers’ works that were published in 1993-94. It should be emphasized that in this period scientific researches of members of department were referred to general subject and became very effective. In 1989 head teacher Karimova T. successfully defended its Candidate's dissertation in State pedagogical university named after Nizomi of Tashkent city and took the degree of the Candidate of philosophical sciences. During five years (1988-1993) teachers of department published 7 monographies, 60 dissertations and 200 scientific and scientific publicistic articles.

The results of scientific studies of department are used not only in study of political science, but also in other scientific studies of higher educational institutions of the country and abroad. Scientific works of scientists Pulatov H. R., Homidov S. D., Olimov A. A., Goziev M. G., Karimov P. R., Tursunov H. S.,Oqilova M.M., Karimova T. and many other approved in scientific circles. From March 1995 to 1997 under the management of the Department of political science was laid on associate Professor Oqilova M.M.

At this time, the Department began the work of young teachers Sattorov B., Berdishukurov A. A., Ulmasova M. Ph. candidates and doctoral students in philosophy were engaged in postgraduate of university. Doctoral student Sattorov B. and Ph.candidate Pulotov A.D. successfully defended their candidate dissertation in philosophy. Scientists of department have stable connection with reputable study centers of the Soviet Union. Special contribution in training of highly qualified scientific personnel of Department made by Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Tashkent state University named after V. I. Lenin, the Institute of philosophy of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Institute of philosophy and law of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In 1997 – 1998 assistant professors Homidov S.and Sattorov B. performed the duties of the head of the department. Professor A. Pulodov headed the department from 1998 till 2008.

At that period the assistant professors Homidov S. H., Tursunov H. Sh., Olimov A. A., Qayumov S. Q., Oqilova M. M., Sattorov B., Berdishukurov A. A., lecturer Ulmasova M. worked at the department.

In 1998 the head of the department A. Puldov published in co- authorship a textbook on Political Science in two languages Tajik and Russian which received B. Gafurov Award in 2001.

In 2003 A. Pulodov successfully defended a doctoral thesis at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and became Doctor of Philosophy.

The department staff published a number of scientific works, textbooks and teaching guides. In 2004 professor A Pulodov published his new book in Tajik and Russian languages “Ethno-social relations in Central Asia”.

Assistant professors M. Oqilova, A.Berdishukurov, B.Sattorov and a senior teacher M.Ulmasova made a great contribution in writing books, scientific papers as well as they prepared additional educational materials.

Among them assistant professor Oqilova M.M. published a training manual “Visual aids in political science” (2002), collections “The role of social sciences in the process of society democratization” (2002), “Scientific and practical conference teachers’ materials” (2003), a co-author of the book “75-aniverssary ofmakoni ma’rifat (A Place of Education)”total 22 printed pages (2003), a collection of “Shafaqi ma’rifat (Dawn of Enlightenment)” (2008) and others.The senior teacher Ulmasova published in co- authorship a training- manual on political science.

Assistant professor, candidate of Philosophy Oqilova M.M. headed the above named department for four years (2009-2013). Professor Pulodov A.H., assistant professors Tursunov H. Sh., Olimov A.A., Sattorov B., Berdishukurov A. A. and senior teachersUlmasova M., Odinaev A. worked at the department at the given period. The subject of the Law studies was again included into the list of academic disciplines under an order of University Academic Council in 2009-2010. To solve the problem of teaching this academic discipline the teachers of the theory of state and law department: a senior teacher Haidarov Q., assistants Shukurov N. and Mukhamedova M. were transferred to the above named department. Young teachers Ismoilova M., Komilova Z., Nurmatova G. and Sanginov K. were employed. In 2011 the head of the department, associate professor Oqilova M.M. successfully defended a doctoral thesis at the dissertation Council at the Institute of Philosophy, Politics and Law on the theme “The meaning of the category private and general in modern social processes analysis (based on global challenges in Tajikistan materials)”.

In this stage the head of the department Okilova M.M. published the books “ The followers of culture”, “ The methodological importance of the categories of single and total in the aspect of development of tajiks, the history and their political system”, “The single and total in the aspect of investigation of global calls to sovereign Tajikistan ( social – philosophy analysis)”, “ The importance of the categories of single and total in the analysis of modern social process ( on the example of global calls to Tajikistan. The scientific articles of the department’s teachers are published in collections, scientific authoritative magazines of Russia as “The politics and society”, “Philosophy and culture” and “The modern humanistic investigations”, the scientific magazines of republic, News of Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan’s Republic and others. The teachers of department in the last three years took part in many international conferences and symposiums, including the international symposiums. “The dialogs of cultures: The place of Imomy Azam in the culture of islom and world”(Khujand, 2009); “ Russia and Central Asia: co-operationin the age of XXI ” (Yekaterinburg, 2010); “ The Security of Tajikistan in the scheme of Great Power countries”(The centre of Investigations of Strategy near the President of TR, 2010, Dushanbe);” “Tajikistan and China: the cultural and historical foundations and strategic perspectives”( The political – juridical aspects of ensuring security in Central Asia” (The institute of state and law of Academy of Sciences of RT, Dushanbe, 2010y.), the republican scientific – practical conference of the Centre of islam near the President of Republic of Tajikistan in the theme of “ The national experience of relation between religion and state in Republic of Tajikistan” ( Dushanbe, the month of December of 2011 year) and others with their scientific reports.

Near the department of politology the scientific circle of students with the name of “Politolog”, is in action, which unites near 40 capable and engaged in research students from all faculties of university. The themes of students includes different themes of political life of society. The member of circle Okilova Z. in the year of 2010 in the republican Olympiad from the subject of “Politology” took the first place. Also this student in thecompetition of “ The student and the progress of science and in engineering”, which is conducted under the patronize of Ministry of Education of RT from the subject of politology with her report took the second place and in the republican competition of “The student of the year – 2009” , which was conducted under the patronize of the Committee of work with youth, sport and tourism near the Government of Republic of Tajikistan took the third place.

Edited by professor Oqilova M. in honor of 20th anniversary of Constitution of RT and 50th anniversary of Department of political science ".... in the process of globalization" (Khujand, 2014) were published in 10 copies. During this period, teachers Oqilova M., Karimov T. and Oqilova M. textbook on the subject “Cultural studies” was published in Tajik language in 20 copies. Textbook on subject “Cultural studies” in Uzbek language was published by teachers Oqilova M., Karimova T., Usanov R. and Berdishukurov A. in 20 copies. In 2016, the Doctoral student of Department Hodiboev Faridun under the supervision of doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor Oqilova M.M. successfully defended his PhD thesis on "the Place and role of youth in the social structure of Tajik society" at the Institute of philosophy, politics and law named after academician A. Bahovaddinov of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Ph.D. candidates Ismoilova M, Sanginov K, Oqilova M, Sharipova M. and Saidova P are making their scientific research works under the supervision of Professor Oqilova M. Professor Pulatov A. H. leads Ph. candidates Komilova Z., Qurbonova M., Meliboev O. Currently Ph. candidate Oqilova M. performed her scientific research work on the topic “Interaction of religion and secular culture in modern society (on the example of Tajikistan)”, which was discussed by the Department and recommended for defense. From August 2017, the management of Department is laid on associate Professor, candidate of philosophical Sciences Berdishukurov A. Department staff in 2017-2018 is made 19 full-time teachers. Associate professor Umaralieva U, young teachers Sarkorboboeva M, Sharipova M, Abdujabborova R, Holdorov O and Salimov E. were employed in department.

And in 2018-2019 academic year, due to the increase of academic hours, the number of teachers is made 23. Including young teachers, senior teacher Abdulloeva A., teachers Meliboev O., Boltayeva M., Ruziev S. were employed. It should be emphasized that the Department of political science and cultural studies has stable contacts with reputable scientific centers. Particularly Moscow state University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Tashkent state university named after V. I. Lenin, Institute of philosophy, politics and law of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Tajik national University, Tajik University of Commerce, Tajik state University of law, business and politics, Slavic-Russian University of Tajikistan made a huge contribution in training of highly qualified scientific personnel of Department. On the eve of 85th anniversary of the University it is efficiently to assess the result of fifty-five years of activity of Department. This Department has become a life school for both, formation of scientific thinking of students and specialists and training of scientific personnel, politicians, government officials.

During this period, the Department has trained 5 doctors of philosophy and about 20 candidates of historical and philosophical Sciences, who have reached the top of science. Head of the Department Professor S. Khomidov from 1977 to 1991 worked as head of the lecture group of agitation Department of regional party Committee. Professor Kayumov S. K. has the Order of red banner of Labor, medals, honorary certificates of the Board of the Tajik SSR, a gold medal named after academician Vavilov A, the title of Honorary citizen of Khujand city and worked as head of the agitation Department of city and regional Committee of the Communist party of Tajikistan, the rector of Leninabad state pedagogical University, Chairman of the Board of “Knowledge” society, Chairman of Organization of veterans of war and labor Khujand city, Sughd region. Professor Pulodov H. R., honored worker of science and technology of the Republic of Tajikistan, excellent worker of social protection of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan, excellent worker of national education of the Republic of Tajikistan, full member of the Academy of international Sciences of higher education, Deputy Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan worked as Deputy Chairman of Leninabad region, assistant of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in Leninabad, member of the Commission on national reconciliation, rector of the Tajik state University of law, business and politics. Associate Professor Gosiev M. G. worked as the first Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of Leninabad region, instructor of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Tajikistan, head of the Committee of the Communist party of Leninabad, Chairman of the Board of “Knowledge” society of Leninabad region. Associate Professor Abdukholikov Yo. worked as Vice-rector of the Tajik Institute of management, the OSCE employee in RT, the regional Manager of the UN development program in Tajikistan and in Africa. Associate Professor I. U. Kosimov worked as an instructor of the Committee of the Communist party of Khujand, Deputy Dean and Dean of the faculty of law. Contribution of Normatova O., Tide V., Miller V., Ibrohimova L., Orifjonova L., Dehkonova O, Ulmasova M, Ismoilova M., Maqsudova M, Holmatova N. and others in development and success of department is very noticeable that started their activities from the position of Secretary of Department. In conclusion, it should be emphasized that thanks to the efforts of these teachers, many of their students make a worthy contribution to the education of the younger generation and improve public literacy throughout the region and abroad.