Interdepartmental Chair of Informatics
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Interdepartmental Chair of Information science has been functioning since November 2014. Until 2014, the department worked together with physics and engineering, mathematics, and cybernetics faculties. From 2014 this department was separated from other faculties and became independent. From the day of its setting up till 2015 the head of the department was the experienced teacher, mathematician and docent Abdulloev Abdujabbor. During his running the department, some significant work had been completed. All the classrooms were equipped with projectors and computers and connected with internet. Since 2015 till nowadays, the head of this department is Akhmedov Huseinboy Majidovich. During his management the education and scientific process has been strengthened, and the quality of training specialists of IT is being improved . In 2015-2016 the department took part in University competition “ The Best Department”. The department was honored with a university-wide competition prize "Development of education quality" for improving the educational process, developing students’ activity level as a winner of the 1st place in the exact disciplines.
The professional teachers of information technologies, computing and audio-visual equipment have been working in the department. The prominent scientists such as the candidate of economics, docent Abdulloev Abdujabbor, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Ahmedov Huseynboy Majidovich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Yusupova Firuza Alievna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Abdulloeva Mahfuza Abdujabborovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Shamsidinov Khurshed Muminovich, candidate of pedagogical sciences Karimov Ilhom Ismoilovich, senior teachers Yunusova Umri Mirhofizovna, Nabieva Maqsatoy Aʙdusattorovna, Bakoeva Mukaddam Habibovna, Ruzimurodov Abdulhai Azimboevich, Ikromova Inobat Umarboevna, Ahmadbekova Madinahkon Gaibulloevna, Dadojonov Bobojon Jokubjonovich, teachers Norboboev Marufjon Olimovich, Tuychiev Anvarjon Mahmudjonovich, Shermatov Javlon Alikulovich, Abdulloeva Shahnoza Abdujaborovna, Ishonova Sabrina Rustamovna, Bobojonova Olia Samadovna, Hasanova Mahfirat, Ahmedov Abdumajid Husenboevich, Isomaddinova Farzonakhon Mahmudjonovna, laboratory manager Abdurahimov Dilovar Abdusattorovich and the secretary of the department Sulaimonova Naima Rustamovna are contributing to the development of higher education and training highly qualified specialists. All the teachers of the department have been actively involved in various fields of exact sciences, information technology. Teachers of the department participate in university and republican conferences with their reports actively on various topics. The department is focused on the material-technical base. All classrooms are equipped with computers and technical devices and are connected to the Internet. The scientific-methodical and scientific-theoretical seminars are held every month at the department. In these seminars teachers, professors, post-graduates make their presentations on different themes. The "Student and Information» club is run by docent Ahmedov H. M. The department focuses on the training of highly qualified specialists, and researches are being carried out on the theme of "Creating Innovative Activity in High Schools Based on Internet Projects". Teachers of the department take an active part not only in educational and scientific life of the university, but also in political, social and cultural life of city, viloyat and the republic.