Department of zoology and human and animal physiology
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Department of zoology is of the same age as faculty and University and proudly celebrates its 85th anniversary. Department of zoology is one of the first departments of University. Primarily it was as a part of department of chemistry and biology (head of department - professor A.A.Dibrova) and from 1933-34 it was belonged to the department of biology (head of department – professor B.M.Komarov). In 1937-1938 academic year department of biology divided into two independent departments – zoology (head of department – M.F.Konovalova) and Darvinism (head of department – professor A.V.Bursev, then professor V.S.Sherdakov). First 16 graduates graduated University in 1936, 11 of them were natural scientists. Among them M.Ibrohimov and Z.Osimov were employed at the University. According to the report of institute Vinogradov, it was shortage of teachers in 1935-1936 academic year. It was shortage of professors and associate professors in the faculty of biology for teaching of chemistry, plants physiology, zoology and animal physiology.
The beginning of Great Patriotic War hindered the development of the work of department, training and education, scientific research works of teachers. In view of this, departments of botany, zoology, Darvinism and biology have integrated and took the name of “Natural study”, the head of which was B.M.Komarov. Even geography and geology joined to the department of Natural study. Along with the beginning of Great Patriotic War, teacher of department of botany K.Nazarov among 17 teachers went to war. After a while teachers A.S.Otaev, Z.Osimov, A.Hamidov, A.Sulaimonov, M.Alizoda went to war as well. Then students of different courses K.Aleksey, R.Murodov, Ismoilov, B.Hudoiberdiev, A.Jumaev, S.Madaminov, D.Pulotov, V.Shuvelov, N.Shergoziev, A. went to war. In 1942 a group of teachers of high schools of Ukraine from the cities of Melitopol and Zaporozhe along with forced migrants came to Leninabad city. Part of them gave classes on geology, darvinism, geography. The number of students in 1941 academic year was 35.
After Great Patriotic War natural study department divided into two departments: botany and zoology. In 1947 graduate of Institute, participant of Great Patriotic War – S.Yu.Madaminov was appointed to the position of head of department of zoology. In 1941 darvinism joined to the department of zoology. In previous years, department of zoology was managed by M.F.Konovalova, S.Madaminov, Ph.Ds – I.M.Utkina, V.M.Veretenikova, Yu.R.Doniyorov. doctor of biological science, professor - Khabilov T.K. (1984-1986), associate professor – Doniyorov Yu.R. (1987-1993), associate professor – M.Muhammadqulov (1990-2007), associate professor Z.K.Domulloeva (2007-2011), professor – Karimov S.B. (2012-2014), Mirzobahodurova Sh.R. (2014-2016) were in charge of head of department. Currently Ph.D. in Biology, associate professor – Domulloeva Z.K. is in charge of head of department (since 2016). Primarily, along with emphasized scientists, young teachers – M.A.Nosirov, M.I.Konstantinova, V.Sh.Shamsiev, V.Ya.Tanatin, A.Ya.Kobilov gave zoology classes that most of them were the students of A.N.Danskiy. After a while, in 1968 department of zoology separated from department of anatomy, physiology and school hygiene that for many years were managed by associate professors M.K.Mallahujaev, G.M.Muhamedov and A.B.Muhiddinov.
In this department have worked head teachers – S.Olimov, E.R.Rahmatov, S.Rahmatova. E.I.Efremova, S.I.Arhipova, T.A.Ahmadov, A.A.Abduqahhorov, Sh.E.Sharifova, Z.K.Dadoboeva, F.G.Ganiev. In 1996 it was joined again with department of zoology. Members of department – specialists of biology science - S.Madaminov, Sh.V.Shamsiev, A.Eshboev, U.D.Jalilov, M.Dobrosmislov, R.A.Mirzobahodurov, R.Yu.Doniyorov, I.F. Ibrohimov, E.I. Efremova, S.Rahmatova, N.G.Gavrilova and O.H.Homidov have made great contribution in growth and development of education and science works. Currently doctor of biological science, professor- T.K.Habilov, Ph.D.s in biology, associate professors – M.Muhammadqulov, Rajabova Z., Domulloeva Z.K., Mirzobahodurova Sh.R., head teachers – A.Abduqahhorov, Z.K.Dadoboeva, Boltaboeva M.R. and Sharipov R. are employed at the department. Activity of department employees – Temirova Z., Hojiboeva N, Sharipova G. and Mirzoev Kh. on providing of timely practicum with education visibilities is very significant.
Members of department comprehensively use material and technical base of department and skillfully unite teacher’s activity with scientific research in the fields of mammalogy, parasitology, batrachology, ornithology and entomology. They continue their research works under the supervision of professor T.K. Khabilov in accordance with the long-term program in the field of “Diversity of types of wide world of Northern Tajikistan and Zarafshon valley” for 2016-2020. Scientists of department learned various biological issues and achieved Ph.D. in biology and doctor of biology science degree.
First international conference of environmental specialists of Central Asia was held by initiative of department `in 1998 on the topic “Diversity of life”. The results of research works of members was described in thesis and scientific investigations of Yu.R.Doniyorov “Fauna of SSR Tajikistan” (part XX) “Dastbolon” (D., 1992), Yu.R.Doniyorov “Prairie beetle of unused dry lands and new developed lands of Northern Tajikistan” (D., 1982), M.Muhammadqulov “Fauna of birds ectoparasite of Tajikistan” (Kh., 1998), Z.Rajabova “Fauna of butterflies of Northern Tajikistan” (Kh., 1999). As well as teachers of department published study guides in Tajik language. Zoology museum is of the same age as of department and specialists M.F.Konovalova and S.Yu. Madaminov have made their great contribution for its establishment. Currently, there are 5100 species among main groups of wild life of Northern Tajikistan, as well as from America, Australia and oceans are collected here. Museum helps in the process of teaching and educating of students from subjects’ department and acknowledges them with animal world of Tajikistan. Zoology museum is an educational center for the teachers of biology and students of city and districts school of Sughd region. Department of zoology was awarded with Certificate of Appreciation of University for achievements in the process of training and education, scientific research and active participation in public activities (1978, 1979, 2015). Within the independent period, Department achieved great success. Since, within 25 years of state independence it achieved significant results through efforts of teachers and students in training and education process.
Science is the main key for growth and development of country. In view of this in 1993 full-time and part-time postgraduate study under the Khujand State University by the specialization of zoology – 03.00.08 began its activity and the first Ph.D. candidate of full-time study was Domulloeva Z.K. and part-time study - Bobojonova M.G., Mirzobahodurova Sh.R. It is gratifying to emphasize that Domulloeva Z.K. under the supervision of professor O.P.Bogdanov and Mirzobahodurova Sh.R. under the supervision of academician I.A.Abdusalomov defensed their thesis research in 2000. Later, Ph.D. candidate of department - Khidirov Kh.O. is defensed it0000000000s thesis research. There is a scientific theoretical seminar under the department, wherein teachers present reports on their scientific research activities. As well as, students’ scientific club “Zoophysiologist” is already acting during a year. Students are engaged in it and present their scientific works in club and scientific conferences. Currently, graduate of postgraduate study Sharipov A.A. carries out research. It should be emphasized that Masters are studying at the department for six years. In 2016-2017 academic year, the number of Masters od department was 11. Six graduates defensed their Master’s thesis with an excellent mark. Thanks to independence period a department has lecture rooms and modern labs with microscope, devices, human skeleton, anatomy and physiology tools and visibilities, histology, physiology and anatomy subjects help in study of biology and medico-biology majors by students. And this is the care of the Government of country, Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Tajikistan, division of university in enhancement the level of knowledge and study of students.