Interdepartmental Chair of Tajik Language
Wead of department
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The formation of the above mentioned department is closely connected with the adoption of Law about Tajik Language ( July 22nd, 1989). The honorable function and task of the department is teaching Tajik Language to the students of the otherfaculties.
The department of Tajik Language and Literature was founded with the decision of Scholars’ Council. The first head of the department was the candidate of philological science, docent Rahimjon Toshmatov and he ran the department till the end of 1995. The great attention was given to the learning of Tajik Language as a State Language. From time to time the department changed its name. From 2006 to 2009 the department functioned as the department of Methods and Culture of speech. In 2010 it was renamed again to Interdepartmental Chair of Tajik Language.
If we look at the history of this department famous professors and teachers (R.Toshmatov, F.Zikriyoev, A.Abdukodirov, G.Hojiev, T.Vahobov) and experienced teachers (.Kenjaev, A.Obidov, U.Umaralieva, S.Juraeva, S.Uzbekov, G.Makhkamova, Olimova, M.Toirova, B.Osimova and others) worked at this educational institution and taught Tajik Language. They made a great contribution for the improving and increasing Tajik Language to make it the qualitative State Language of our Independent country. The department functions according to the long term plans: organizational and educational works, scientific research works, relation with the secondary schools, implementation of Law about the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The department succeeded in preparing and providing all the necessary materials (syllabus, textbooks for each specialties, Educational Program and curriculum). It is worth to mention the authors of the book Tajik Language (Khujand 2008) A.Abdukodirov, A.Rahmonov and Introduction to the Lexicology of Tajik (Khujand 2010) T.Vahobov and D.Bobojonova.
From 2006 to 2009 the educational activity of the department consisted of two directions:
- Teaching of core component subjects at the faculty of Tajik Philology
- Teaching Tajik Language as State Language in other faculties.
At that period the subjects of the department were divided into two part: a) Stylistic Basis of speech Culture, Methods of teaching Tajik Language. The above mentioned subjects were taught by the candidate of philological science, professor A.Abdukodirov, the doctor of philological science, professor T.Vahobov, docents S.Hojiev, E.Umaralieva and the candidate of philology science Sh.Rahmatov.
b) Teaching of Tajik Language (at first Tajik Literature was also taught) at the nonphilological faculties was taught by 4 docents (B.Osimova, M.Olimkhonov, B.Makhkamova, S.Inoyatov) 6 senior teachers and 14 teachers. Then due to the number of hours the amount of teachers also was changed.
At the beginning of 2010-2011 academic years in accordance with the decision of Academic Council the subject hours were divided into two structures- the department of Method of teaching of Tajik Language and interdepartmental chair of Tajik Language, so some of the teachers were transfered to the structure of the new department. From that time the main direction of the department activity was teaching Tajik Language at other faculties.
Since the formation of the department the teachers are trying their best to improve the students’ outlook, to introduce with the significance of spelling rules and the styles of Tajik Language.
Scientific and methodological seminars are held in the department which meet all the requirements. Important scientific problems are discussed in these seminars. Moreover there is a students’ Scientific Club under the title “Husni Sukhan” (Silver Tongue). The students take part with their reports in the club sessions and besides they discuss some problems with famous scientists, linguistics and poets. The club helps to appreciate the State Language, to make language learning more interesting and to improve the culture of speaking of the students.
The scientific activity of the department is one of the main sections and it is a part of the teacher`s plan on the basis of perspective scientific and research program. From the first day of formation of the department since today, important questions of Tajik literary language, the methods of its teaching and other matters are paid much attention. For example, in 2006-2011 and 2010-2013 professors on teachers of the department researched the themes “Stylistic Peculiarities of Lexical and Phraseological Units of Tajik Language and “Some problems of Tajik Literary language,”the structure of the language, culture of Speech and Lexicology. The first theme was divided into three directions
- to research the stylistic problem and definition of poetics in dictionary.
- Stylistic peculiarities of the word and interpretation of artistic style,
- Collection and definition of stylistic meaning of the word and its dialectic interpretation. For the teaching part of the given program.
The members of department have plans to write teaching materials and educational manuals for High schools and secondary schools.
The second research work “Some problems of Tajik Literary language, the structure of the language, culture of speech and Lexicology” started in 2010 and doctor of philological Science, professor Vahobov T. is the head of this research team.
Some teachers, researchers and postgraduates as docent S. Inoyatov, D. Bobokhonova, Z. Homidova, M. Tohirova, G. Unusova, M. Vahobova, D. Maunusov. M. Yormirzoeva, Sh. Temirova, N. Husanboev, B. Alieva, A. Odinaev and others are the members of the research work.
The results of the scientific research work of the teachers are reflected in their dissertations. B. Makhkamova, B. Osimova, Sh. Rahmatov, S. Uzbekov, D. Bobokhonova, S. Juraeva, G. Makhkamova, M. Nematova, Sh. Hakimova, G. Sharipova, Z. Hamidova, G. Unusova, M. Kalonova, A. Odinaev, B. Elnazarov defented their research ork.
Currently other teachers and researchers as Sh. Temirova, M. Tohirova, N. Husanboev, B. Alieva, M. Yormirzoeva, S. Sharipova have been working on their research work. Today a great number of dissertations and research works of the teachers are published and available for everyone. The teachers of the department are always working on the important issues of Tajik language and marking research works in the form of articles. The prepared articles have been published on the newspapers and scitific magazines. Moreover, professors T. Vahobov, A. Abdukodirov, A. Davronov, S. Inoyatov, D. Bobokhonova,S. Uzbekov and others published some teaching materials as “Tajik Language,” “The Stylistics of Tajik language”, “Introduction to the Lexicology of Tajik Literary Language”, “The Aspekts mystery of names”, The place of cultural men in Tajik linguistics”, “Brief Tajik-Uzbek-Russian dictionary”, “Tajik dialectology” etc…
The members of the department take an active part to the social life of the faculty, University, city and viloyat. Occasionally they organize arrangements dedicatedto some holidays: Independence of the country, National Unity and Peace, 1150 th anniversary of A. Rudaki, the year of great Imom Azam, the Day of Tajik language, Teachers’ Day, Navruz and Mehrgon, Year of Pure Water, Day of the Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan, 70th, 80thand 85th anniversary of our University, Victory Day, Constitution Day etc. Besides the teachers of the department, regularly visit students especially girls who live in dormitories and have a talk about their studies and life.
The Department cooperates with the Institute of Language andLiterature named after A. Rudaki of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tajikistan, High Institutions of the country, Professional secondary Institutions and secondary schools of cities and regions of our Viloyat.
The teachers of the department take an active part in international Republican and regional conferences.
From the day of department formation the following teachers, docents and professors were the head of the department: S. Hojiev, F. Zikriyoev,T. Vahobov, S. Uzbekov, D. Bobokhonova.
Now the head of the department is the candidate of philological sciences, docent H. Zoirov. The members of the department are: doctor of philological science, professor T. Vahobov; 9 candidates of philological Sciences, docents H. Olimova, B. Mahkamova, Sh. Mahammadiev, B. Osimova,S. Inoyatov, H. Zoirov, Z. Hamidova,D. Bobokhonova, M. Mahmudjonova; 2 senior teachers A. Odinaev, Sh. Temirova; 3 teachers N. Husanboev,B. Alieva, M. Yormirzoeva, and 1 secretary S. Sharipova.