​Theory and Teaching Mother Tongue Methods Department

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Theory andTeaching Mother TongueMethodsDepartmentstarted its functioning in 1958.

The following scientistsoccupied the position of the Head of the department: Mukhtor Akhmedov(1958-1959,1964-1970):Hamdzm Ochilov (1960-1964);RahmajjonAshurov (1979-1977);Huvaidullo Jalilov (1977-1978); AbdusattorAbduqodirov (1978-1981);Vahobov (1980-1985);

Shucriniso Boboevna Makhkamova(1985-2001);Ergashboi Sharipov(2001-2008);MohinisoKarimova (2008-2013);Qurbonboi Burhonov (2001-2016); Dilbar Rahmonova (2016). All of them have made great contribution in training qualified specialists.

Late professors D. Negmatov,O.Hamdamov, P. Juraeva,R. Sodiqova, Sh. Makhkamova,B. Maripov,T.Ikromova had made great contribution

to development on the methodicalactivity of the department. The further educational, methodical, scientific developmentof the department is closely connected with the names of distinguished teachers such as A.Abduqodirov, A. Zhidov, E. Sharipov, Q.Burhonov, V. Karimova, D. Abdulloeva,E Sherakiev,H. Rahmatov, S. Karomatulloev,H.Ganieva.

During2015-2016 academic year in order to meet the requirementsand the purposeof improving the teaching stuffqualificationaccording thedecision of UniversityScientific Board by the orderUniversity Rector’s order№ 173 from June22, 2016 «DepartmentsNature and Mathematics»and«the departmentof Primary education» werejoinedand it wasnamed «TheDepartment of Theory andMethods ofTeaching Major Courses».

There were 11 docents,6 senior teachers and 7 assistants within the department.

The number of teaching stuffenlarged after one year of functioningandthe department was divided into two separate ones again.It wasfulfilled by order 157 from June 30, 2017.oftherector’s Khujand State University named after academician Bobojon Gafurov Two independent departments wereorganized:Thedepartmentof Theoryand methods ofteaching mother tongue;andNature- Mathematics ,aestheticseducation and methods ofteachingdepartment. RahmonovaDilbar Zikriyoevnawas appointedas theheadof theTheoryand methods ofteaching mother tonguedepartment, andAbdusamadovaMunira Abdugafforovnawas appointedas the head ofNature- Mathematics ,aestheticseducation and methods ofteachingdepartment.

The teaching stuff of the Theory and methods of teaching mother tongue department docentsD.Z. Rahmonova, E. Sharipov,D. Abdulloeva, M. Karimova,R.B.Rizoeva and othersmade effortstodirectthe activity and the strategyof the department tofulfillthestandardsofeducation.

The teaching stuff makes great contribution in publication of course books for primary and infant education.E Sharipov is the author of Mathematics book for first and second forms of primary school. D Abdulloevais the authorof ABCbook.

Publishing of books including into the course list of the department and lectures is increasing year by year.The course manualson Lexicology, Phonetics, Special courses on methods of education of Mathematics in primary classes, Basis of Nature studies and methods of its teaching and Basis of artand methods of its teachingwere published.

The department has a close cooperation with secondary schools and take part in differentseminars and conferences.Thedepartment pays great attention to thedelivering of open lessons and observingeach other’s lessons.
