Tajik Language and Literature Department

Tajik Language and Literature Department was founded due to the proposal of the University Certifying Commission and the Scientific Council in August, 2003 by Order № 108 of the rector of the university. Professor Zamira Gafforova was appointed Head of the department from 2003 up to 2011 having been followed by Mutabar Sharipova who is in charge of it up to present.

The main staff consists of experienced and highly qualified members, like Professors Z. Gafforova, F. Nasriddinov, Assistant Professor N. Hamroboev, M. Mirmukhammedova, M. Qosimova, Sarvinoz Juraeva and the lecturer B. Rahmatov.

Researches are doing research on a number of philological and linguistic issues under the titles “Critique and Survey of Literary Works” and also “Linguistic Analysis of the Text”. The scholarly outcomes of the department are published in the books of Professors Z. Gafforova, F. Nasriddinov, T. Vahhobov, Assistant Professor N. Hamroboev, M. Sharipova, S. Juraeva and M. Qosimova. Being of great importance they are widely used in the educational process.