​Department of biology and its study methods

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This department was established in 1969. Primary the department named “Department of natural science and geography study methods”. The first head of department - Ph.D. Biology, Associate professor O.Dadoboeva, members of department associate professors - A.B.Muhiddinov, S.Sh.Khudoiberdiev, senior teachers - T.S. Soliev, K.K.Nazarov and assistant - L.I.Kostromatina, senior assistant - M.Aliboeva and glossarial - O.I.Buivarenko worked for this department. Department of natural science study methods was engaged in teaching of such disciplines as biology, chemistry, geography, Use of Technology in Education, preparation of visibilities, teaching and field internship.

In 1978 Ph.D. Biology, Associate professor R.A.Mirzobahodurov was appointed to the position of the head of department. Subject room, laboratories were equipped and educational and piloting rooms at school (at agrobiological station of institute) were established under his management. A number of teachers and young and active employees, such as H.Ashurov, O.Giyosov, H.Hakimova, G.Muhamedov, S.B.Karimov began their activity in this department. In 1985-1987 Ph.D. Biology, Associate professor - G.Muhammadov was in charge of head of department. From 1987 to 1996 Ph.D. Biology, Associate professor - I.T.Turaqulov managed the department.

In 1987-1991 Associate professors - I.T.Turaqulov, S.Sh.Hudoiberdiev, O.Giyosov, Ph.D. Biology - S.B.Karimov, senior teachers - M.Temirov, T.Qurbonov, G.Gafforov, teachers - G.Ortiqboev, H.Hakimova have performed their activity in department. As general chemistry study method and geography study method were transferred into the department of chemistry and economic geography, the department renamed into “biology study method” since 1992. From 1998 the department was named “General biology and its study method”. On 24th of May 1996 after termination of geo-ecology department, its employees joined to the department of “General biology and its study method”, and further it was renamed into “General biology and nature protection”. Associate professor - G.Gafforov was in charge of the head of department of “General biology and nature protection” from February 1996 to December 2000.

In 90th of XX century the specialists of various sectors were carried out activities in department: professor – advisor of department H.G.Ochilov, Ph.D. Biology, associate professors I.Turaqulov, G.Gafforov, Yo.R.Homidov, I.Ergashboev, Ph.D.in pedagogic science, Associate professor I.M.Ortiqboev, Ph.D. in Engineering Science, senior teacher - N.S.Gufronov, Ph.D. in geography - E.H.Ibrohimov, senior teachers - H.Hakimova, M.H.Aminov, A.Rahimov, teachers - L.Ismoilova, J.T.Hujamberdiev, senior employee - M.Boltueva, assistant - Sh.Mirzoeva. In December 2000 the department of environmental science and natural science study methods was established on the base of department of “General biology and nature protection”. The head of this department was Associate professor - S.B.Karimov up to 2003. From February 2003 up to July 2007 the department was managed by Ph.D. Biology, Associate professor - Yo.R.Homidov. 4 Ph.D. Biology, Associate professors - Yo.R.Homidov, G.Gafforov, S.B.Karimov, F.Kh.Ochilova, 1 Ph.D. in agriculture, Associate professor - A.N.Bobojonov, 1 Ph.D. in pedagogics, senior teacher - J.T.Hujamberdiev, 3 senior teachers - H.Hakimova, M.H.Aminov, Z.G.Amonova, teacher - M.I.Sobitova, M.Yu.Ulmasov, senior employees - M.Haidarova and M.Mirzokalonova have worked for department. The department prepared specialists of environmental science for different sectors of national economy. The first specialists of environmental science completed the study in 2006.

“Biological diversity and nature protection” major was organized in department for subject specialist. The members of department are actively participating in the process of educational reform in the university. The members of department have made scientific research in the topic “Bioenvironmental properties of some unique and endangered plants of flora of Northern Tajikistan in the condition ofKhujand botanic garden”. Doctorate in biology, professor -Karimov S.B. was in charge of the head of department from April 2008. Due to separation into independent faculties in December 2010, the department of biology and its study methods in the faculty of biology and chemistry was established in January 2011 on the base of this department, and its acting head of department was Associate professor - Hidirov H.O., and from November 2011 this department was managed by Associate professor - Homidov Yo.R.

From April 2014 up to present professor - Karimov S.B. is managing the department. There are 1 professor, 2 Ph.D. biology, 2 Ph.D. in pedagogic science, 4 senior teachers, 1 teacher and 1 records manager working for this department. The teachers of department professor - Karimov S.B., Associate professors - Gafforov G., Hujamberdiev J.T., Hidirov H.O., senior teachers - Hakimova H.A., Sobitova M.I., Ahrorova M.A., Alimova H.B., Saburov B.M, teacher - Shodiev B.H. are teaching in department. As well as there are 10 physicians of medicine sector are working as part-time employees. The following disciplines as various biology majors, medical and biological discipline and Master of Biology are teaching in this department: theory of evolution, general environmental science, biology study methods, special courses of major disciplines, Master of biology, developmental biology, biology, clinics pathology and other.