Inclusive Education: Cognitive and Intellectual Abilities Development of Children
A collection of scientific, educational and methodical articles dedicated to the "ERASMUS + DECIDE: NATIONAL AWARENESS DAY OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN TAJIKISTAN" was published by "Meroj" publishing house.
This collection of educational and methodological articles, developed with the support of the European Union funded project ERASMUS + DECIDE - "Developing services for individuals with disabilities", includes the views of scientists, teachers, educators and instructors with children with disabilities, are collected in the form of articles. It presents issues of education, development of intellectual characteristics and the organization of correctional work for children with disabilities with the use of modern technology, explains some ways to improve education and correctional work. This handbook will help specialists, teachers and educators of special boarding schools, students and parents of children with disabilities.
The handbook was compiled by Rahmonov Z.P. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Elmurodova S.Kh. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor and Istamkulov J.Z. – MBA, Senior Specialist of International Relations Department Coordinator of ERASMUS + DECIDE project at the university.
This collection is recommended for specialists and experts in the field.
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